Awan Solicitors Croydon London

Awan Solicitors Croydon

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Family law divorce and financial matters London

Divorce Solicitors

Divorce affects one in two marriages and not only can be a stressful time but can have long term detrimental effects on everyone, including children.  No one takes the decision to divorce or separate lightly and once you have made that decision, you need the matter dealt with carefully, with sensitivity and as quickly as the law will allow.

The introduction of the No Fault Divorce into the UK in April 2022 means that for a lot of families, the previous waiting and requiring proof of adultery etc are no longer required, which makes the process quicker and the procedure easier.  All that is requires is that "... your marriage has broken down irretrievably.”

Additionally, there are legalties around the custody and financial support arrangements for children, dissolution of civil partnerships, legal separations, as well as prenuptial, postnuptial or cohabitation agreements, all of which we can handle for you.  When marriage and partnership breakdowns involve domestic violence and emergency injunctions, you can rely on our supportive, practical advice. Our full list of services is as follows, and we have represented clients across the UK and also abroad..

We provide advice and representation for all Financial Settlement Matters.

Financial Orders, Settlements and Disputes

At Awan Solicitors, our years of experience in dealing with this area of law means that we are able to provide clear, umabiguous advice and represent your interests from the initial enquiries, through to negotiations and also to final hearing, ensuring that you you retain a fair share of jointly acquired assets and that any children are provided for fairly.  These include:

√ The family home √ Joint or single investments and savings  √ Spousal and child maintenance
√ Properties bought as investments during the marriage or partnership and how these are to be shared out  √ Sharing of pensions √ Any family businesses and associated assets
√ Pre-marriage assets where there has not been an ante-nuptial contract and also where there has been  √ Insurance policies and beneficiaries √ Any other related assets
  • HNWs - High Net Worth Divorces, which can be complex to work through
  • Division of family assets after Divorce
  • No Asset Divorces
  • Divorces where parties have already agreed the divorce, sharing of assets, child custody and financial asset division
  • Maintenance during the divorce process
  • All ongoing expenses during the divorce process, for example rental or mortgage and bills
  • Financial Consent Orders (the legally binding document that agrees how a couple will divide their finances after the dissolution of a marriage or civil partnership
  • Freezing Orders - when a party tries to hide their assets
  • Where spousal maintenance and child support still needs to be agreed
  • Private pensions sharing
  • The separation of joint or separately owned properties
  • Divorces based on religion and customs, either in the UK or abroad
  • Mirror Orders (which are divorce or separation orders which apply in two countries)

Please see recent cases: click on About Us.

COHABITATION and unmarried couples

Cohabitation is when unmarried couples set up home together.  Often they own homes and other assets jointly - this is a fairly complex area of law that falls under Tolata, which we specialise in - please see Unmarried Couples and Tolata.

Click here for Cohabitation and further information

Same Sex Marriages and Civil Partnerships

We have experience in agreements for same sex couples in both marriage and partnership situations as well as when these are dissolved.

Family Law Disputes

The best divorce lawyers do everything they can to resolve matters before they need to go to court.  We are committed to doing the same, helping you to resolve matters in a non-confrontational manner by entering into negotiations and mediation from the start, with experienced solictors who fully understand the law and have an abundance of expertise in their chosen areas.

Marriage dissolution and divorce usually happen during a time of significant emotional pressure.  We will do our best to reassure you, deal with the issues in a sensitive manner, helping you to reach long-term, workable solutions.  We will also help manage any conflict with your ex-partner and ensure that the needs of any children involved in the process are kept at the forefront of the process.

Where there is absolutely no option but to attend court to resolve your family law dispute, we undertake to defend you robustly and in those situations where we can't represent you ourselves, we will take care to instruct the best family law barrister for your situation, who will appear in court on your behalf.  We will also make sure that you fully understand the legal process concerned and that you are kept fully informed throughout the proceedings, and up to date on any changes of circumstances.

Financial Disputes During Divorce

Having managed and negotiated and divorce cases of small to high net worth, our experience means that we can instruct forensic accountants and wealth management advisors as and when required, if this is neededto support your settlement claim.

Family Mediation

Evidence of mediation is usually required before the matter goes to court as the law encourages couples to settle disputes outside of the courtroom where possible.  This is because any arrangements arrived at by the parties themselves are more likely to last in the long-term.

We help our clients understand the alternative dispute resolution methods, including assisting with MIAMs (Information & Assessment Meetings.

Domestic Abuse [Injunctions and Emergency Remedies]

Your safety and that of your children are our first priority in instances of domestic abuse.  We will act swiftly to obtain a non-molestation order and/or an occupation order as required.  We are aware that these situations can be emotionally harmful as well as physically harmful and will also provide advice on how to access support so you can protect you and your family from the threat of ongoing harm as well as act to protect your assets in instances of coercive control.

Make an appointment to talk to us

We will be able to discuss your case with you, help you understand the processes involved and give you an outline of costs involved. You can call or email us and we will call you back.


Afsheen Khurram

My first experience with family solicitors was very painful but Mr Awan has been a blessing for me. Out of my disappointment from mediation and my previous experience, I contacted Mr Awan. His professional advice, guidance and his valuable services provide me with the best I can get. I’m very pleased with their services and thanked them for everything they have done for me.

Testimonials …

Divorce Solicitors near Bromley

The divorce rate in Bromley is higher than the national average and affects around one in two marriages, which is a sad fact of life.

We have clients in the Bromley and surrounding areas and recognise that no one takes the decision to divorce or separate lightly. However, once you have made that decision, you will want your matters dealt with quickly and with sensitivity, especially when there are children involved

Read more …

Law Office Address:

Awan Solicitors

Airport House, Purley Way

Croydon, London  CR0 0XZ

Tel: 0208 781 1838

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